Sunday, February 4, 2007

20 Simple Steps to Reduce Global Warming

We can make a difference

It is easy for the average person to say that they can’t do much about global climate change. Everybody can have an small impact and when multiplied by millions of individual actions, big change occurs. Whenever you save energy – or use it more efficiently – you reduce the demand for gasoline, oil, coal, and natural gas. Less burning of these fossil fuels means lower emissions of carbon dioxide, the major contributor to global warming. Every U.S. citizens releases on average about 40,000 pounds of CO2 per person each year. If we can reduce energy use enough to lower greenhouse gas emissions by about 2% a year, in ten years we will "lose" about 7,000 pounds of CO2 emissions per person.

Here are 20 simple steps that can help cut an individual’s annual emissions of CO2 by thousands of pounds. The CO2 reduction shown for each action is an average saving.

  • Run your dishwasher only with a full load. Use the energy-saving setting to dry the dishes. Don't use heat when drying. CO2 reduction: 200 pounds a year.

  • Wash clothes in warm or cold water, not hot. CO2 reduction: (for two loads a week): up to 500 pounds a year.

  • Turn down your water heater thermostat; 120 degrees is usually hot enough. CO2 reduction: (for each 10- degree adjustment): 500 pounds a year.
  • Don't overheat or overcool rooms. Adjust your thermostat (lower in winter, higher in summer). CO2 reduction: (for each 2-degree adjustment): about 500 pounds a year.

  • Clean or replace air filters as recommended. Cleaning a dirty air conditioner filter can save 5% of the energy used. CO2 reduction: About 175 pounds a year.
  • Buy energy-efficient compact fluorescent bulbs for your most-used lights. CO2 reduction (by replacing one frequently used bulb): about 500 pounds a year.

  • Wrap your water heater in an insulating jacket (but only if the water heater is over 5 years old and has no internal insulation). CO2 reduction: Up to 1000 pounds a year.
  • Install low-flow shower heads to use less hot water. CO2 reduction: Up to 300 pounds a year.

  • Caulk and weatherstrip around doors and windows to plug air leaks. CO2 reduction: Up to 1,000 pounds a year.

  • Ask your utility company for a home energy audit to find out where your home is poorly insulated or energy-inefficient. CO2 reduction: Potentially, thousands of pounds a year.
  • Whenever possible, walk, bike, carpool or use mass transit. CO2 reduction (for every gallon of gasoline you save): 20 pounds.

  • When you buy a car, choose one that gets good gas mileage. CO2 reduction (if your new car gets 10 mpg more than your old one): about 2,500 pounds a year.
  • Reduce waste: Buy minimally packaged goods; choose reusable products over disposable ones; recycle. CO2 reduction (if you cut down your garbage by 25%): 1,000 pounds a year.

  • If your car has an air conditioner, make sure its coolant is recycled whenever you have it serviced. Equivalent CO2 reduction: Thousands of pounds.
  • Insulate your walls and ceilings; this can save about 25% of home heating bills. CO2 reduction: Up to 2000 pounds a year.

  • If you need to replace your windows, install the best energy-saving models. CO2 reduction: Up to 10,000 pounds a year.

  • Plant trees next to your home and paint your home a light color if you live in a warm climate, or a dark color in a cold climate. CO2 reduction: About 5000 pounds a year.

  • As you replace home appliances, select the most energy-efficient models. CO2 reduction (if you replace your old refrigerator with an efficient model): 3000 pounds a year.
  • Reduce waste and promote energy-efficient measures at your school or workplace. Work in your community to set up recycling programs. CO2 reduction (for every pound of office paper recycled): 4 pounds.

  • Be informed about environmental issues. Keep track of candidates' voting records and write or call to express concerns. CO2 reduction (if we vote to raise U.S. auto fuel efficiency): Billions of pounds!

Adapted from the Global and Regional Air and Energy Program, Environmental Defense Source

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